Prayer Requests

Updated as of July 2024


  • Pray for our efficiency and energy. We have a tag-team system of preparing boxes for giveaway and tubs for storage and getting them to their destination. It's a lot with four boys underfoot! Thank you for praying for the daily energy to keep at it!

  • Pray for Seth for his upcoming tonsil removal. We appreciate prayer for the surgery and recovery. Most of all, for him to feel the Lord's presence and peace in it.

  • Pray for our us as we spend time with the Lord and prepare our hearts for what's ahead. We each have different things on our mind (and different roles) as we seek to be as ready as possible and good stewards of these final months. Thank you for lifting us up. 


  • We praise the Lord for our 78% monthly support and for pledges set to start in July! We have seen so much generosity from our supporters and supporting churches. We praise Him for providing through you with regular prayer, financial support, hosting, babysitting, and gifts.

  • We praise the Lord for open doors with the PNG government and embassy here. We can scarcely believe the mountain of paperwork is behind us and what could have taken until September is already complete. What a mighty God we serve!

  • We praise the Lord for the desire of our boys to know and love Jesus. They all love learning at Sunday School and Seth recently asked for help to memorize more scripture. Our greatest desire is for our boys, our first mission field, to love the Lord and follow after Him all their days.